![]() July 5th Types of the Precious Blood (2) The Blood of the Paschal Lamb
On the night when God delivered His people
from Egypt a lamb was slain, prefiguring the
Lamb of God. It was to be a lamb without blemish,
no bone of it was to be broken; it was to be
wholly consumed by those in whose dwelling it
was slain, and its blood was to be shed to the last
drop. Apply these conditions of the Paschal Lamb
to the Lamb of God, and see how perfectly they
were fulfilled in the Sacrifice of the Cross. The blood of the Paschal Lamb was to be sprinkled on the doorposts of the Israelites; and thereby they were to be rendered safe from the judgment that fell upon the Egyptians. So the Precious Blood sprinkled upon our hearts saves us from the punishment we have justly deserved. It appeases the anger of God and marks us as belonging to Him, and as travellers to the Heavenly Jerusalem, longing to be freed from the bondage of earthly things. How is the Precious Blood sprinkled on our souls? In all the sacraments of the Church, in every act of contrition, in every deed of supernatural charity, in every prayer offered humbly and with confidence, it falls upon us, renders us safe from the avenging Angel, and secures us safe from the anger of God that our sins have justly merited. Asperges me, Domine, hyssopo et mundabor-- "Sprinkle me, O Lord, and I shall be rendered clean in Thy sight." |